Annex B: Statement of Expenditures

Standard Object Summary

1996-97* 1997-98 1998-99

01 Salaries and Wages 97,935 147,623 160,926
02 Transportation and Telecommunications 13,688 24,789 16,755
03 Information 4,916 7,977 10,725
04 Professional and Special Services 65,975 124,787 235,192
05 Rentals 4,235 35,525 59,169
06 Purchased Repair and Maintenance 23,113 622 0
07 Materials and Supplies 5,937 5,984 4,595
09 Acquisition of Equipment 16,980 17,226 32,278
12 Miscellaneous 1 24 39

232,780 364,556 519,679

* represents partial year

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